أمهات المؤمنين للنساء فقط
أمهات المؤمنين للنساء فقط
أمهات المؤمنين للنساء فقط
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

أمهات المؤمنين للنساء فقط

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
**تبرأ أمام الله سبحانه وتعالى إدارة منتديات امهات المؤمنين من الإعلانات في اعلى واسفل المنتدى وهي غير مسؤولة عنها اطلاقا فهي من **الشركة الأم ، داعين الله سبحانه وتعالى ان يشرح صدور القائمين على الشركة الأم من منع هذه الإعلانات والتي تخدش الحياء**
*ادارة منتدى امهات المؤمنين **تدعوا كل الاخوات بالدخول على االبينات الشخصية **واكمال البيانات **يارب يتقبل منا صالح الاعمال *


 مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
راجيه عفو الله

¤° إدارة المنتدى °¤
راجيه عفو الله

عدد المساهمات : 4163
العمر : 53
العمل/الترفيه : راجية رضا الله

مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه    مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه  Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 28, 2010 8:29 pm

Grammar Review

1 - Suggestions لتقديم اقتراح يمكنك استخدام العبارات التالية
1 - Let's
play football هيا بنا نلعب كرة قدم
2 - We could play table tennis يمكننا لعب
تنس الطاولة
3 - How about playing play-station? ما رأيكم فى لعب (بلاء ستيشن)

4 - Why don't we play volly ball? لماذا لا نلعب الكرة الطائرة
الموضوع تحتها خط يمكن ان تبدا بها أى اقتراح تريد تقديمه للأخرين مع ملاحظة
1 - let's + verb + بقية الاقتراح
2 - we / you + could + verb
بقية الاقتراح
3 - How about + verb + ing + بقية الاقتراح
4 - Why don't +
subject + verb + بقية الاقتراح
2 - Comparing two or more things مقارنة شيئين
او اكثر
هناك نوعان من الصفات
1 - Short adjectives صفات قصيرة
tall طويل
strong قوى
high عالى
big كبير
2 - Longer
adjectives صفات اطول
interesting شيق
beautiful جميل
dangerous خطير

important هام
enjoyable ممتع
1 - Short adjecties الصفات القصيرة

عند المقارنة بين شيئين يشتركان فى صفة واحدة ولكن احدهما اكثر نصيبا فى هذه
الصفة من الآخر نضيف
er للصفة المشتركة
Lions ar stronger than
وعندما يكون هناك شئ افضل من اشاء اخرى فى هذه الطبقة نضيف
est للصفة

Lions are the strongest animals in the world.
2 - Longer
adjectives الصفات الطويلة
اما عند المقارنة بين شيئين فى صفة طويلة تستخدم
كلمة more قبل الصفة ثم تستخدم كلمة than قبل الشئ الاخر مثال
Lions are more
dangerous than horses
واذا كان الاسم او الشئ الأول افضل من الاسماء او الأشياء
الاخرى فى صفة طويلة تستخدم كلمة the most قبل الصفة الطويلة فى الجملة
are the most dangerous animals in the wood.
فأنا هنا قارنت بين الاسود من
ناحية الخطورة ووجدنها اخطر الحيوانات فى الغابة
3 - who, where and which

يمكننا استخدام الكلمات
who, where and which كادوات ربط جملتين وتستخدم
which لربط جمل عن اشياء غير عاقلة وتستخدم whene لربط جمل عن الاماكن اما who
فتربط جمل تتحدث عن الناس او الأفراد
1 - This is the bus. The bus hit a
car. يمكن ربط الجملتين السابقتين كالأتى فبدلا من تكرار كلمة the bus فى الجملة
الثانية ربطنا الجملتين بـ which
This is the bus which hit a car.
2 - This
is the street. the accident happened in this street.
وكذلك فى هذه الجملة
بدلا من تكرار كلمة this street التى تدل على المكان ربطنا الجملتين بكلمة where
على النحو التالى
This is the street where the accident happened.
3 -
These are the drivers. the drivers had the accident.
هنا ايضا ربطنا الجملتين
بكلمة who التى تعنى الذى او الذين للفاعل العاقل حتى لا نكرر كلمة the drivers
ويصبح لدنيا جملة واحدة بدلا من جملتين وتصبح على النحو التالى
These are the
drivers who had the accident
4 - Adverbs الظروف
تستخدم الظروف لنصف
الأفعال فى الجمل وغالبا ما تأتى الظروف بعد الافعال فى الجملة
Soha is smiling
فى الجملة السابقة is smiling تبتسم والفعل هو happily ومعناه بسعادة
وهكذا بين لنا الظرف كيف يحدث الفعل اى بسعادة وليس بأى طريقة اخرى.
يمكن تكوين
معظم الظروف بإضافة ly للصفة سواء قصيرة او طويلة وإليك بعض الأمثلة
quick سريع
quickly بسرعة
slow بطئ slowly ببطئ
sad حزين sadly بحزن
happy سعيد
happily بسعادة
ومن الامثلة الطويلة
beautiful ---> beautifully

dangerous ---> dangerously
enjoyable ---> enjoyablly
5 -
Present Perfect المضارع التام
لأى فعل تصريفات ثلاث المضارع present والماضى
past والتصريف الثالث past participle
ولتكوين جملة فعلها فى زمن المضارع التام
present perfect تستخدم has او have ثم التصريف الثالث للفعل وإليك امثلة من
التعريفات للأفعال المنتظمة والتى يضاف لها ed لتكوين الفعل الماضى والتصريف الثالث

Present /past /past participle play /played /played / يلعب
wash /washed
/washed / يغسل
use /used /used / يستخدم
add /added /added / يضيف

work /worked /worked / يعمل
smile /smiled /smiled / يبتسم
افعال تصريفاتها فى الماضى والتصريف غير منتظمة وتسمى افعال غير قياسية او افعال
شاذة عن القاعدة واليك امثلة فيها
Present / past / past participle am/is/are
/ was/were been / يكون
have/has / had / had / يملك
go / went / gone /
do / did / done / يفعل
buy / bought / bought / يشترى
build /
built / built / يبنى
come / came / came / يأتى
put put / put / يضع

eat / ate / eaten / يأكل
give / gave / given / يعطى
draw / drew /
drawn / يرسم
find / found /found / يجد
forget / forgot / forgotten /
leave / left / left / يترك
make /made / made / يصنع
meet /met /
met / يقابل
read /read / read / يقرأ
cut /cut /cut / يقطع
see /saw
/seen / يرى
teach /tought /tought / يدرس
write /wrote /written / يكتب

why we use present perfect لماذا نستخدم المضارع التام
هذا الزمن ليس له
مقابل فى اللغة العربية ولذلك يشكل بعض الصعوبة فى اذهان بعض الطلاب ولكن هذا الزمن
رغم انه مضارع تام إلا انه يستخدم فى :-
التعبير عن فعل ماضى حدث ولكن لا نعرف
متى حدث هذا الفعل او ذاك وعموما يستخدم للتأكيد على ان فعل ما حدث وليس مهما متى
حدث ذلك الفعل
Have you done your homework yet?
السؤال السابق عن ان
الواجب المنزلى ثم عمله وليس مهما متى المهم ان الواجب تم عمله
Mother has gone
الام ذهبت التسوق ولا نعلم متى المهم الفعل وهو الذهاب للتسوق

Present perfect with other words كلمات تستخدم مع المضارع التام
1 -
تستخدم كلمة yet فى الاسئلة والجمل النفى فى الزمن المضارع التام
Have you done
every thing yet?
الم تنتهوا من عمل كل شئ بعد
we have not washed the
dishes yet.
لم نتنهى من غسيل الاطباق بعد
2 - وتستخدم كلمة already
ومعناها بالفعل او تماما وكلمة just ومعناها للتو وكذلك كلمة almost ومعناها على
وشك مع المضارع التام فى الجمل ان الافعال فى تلك الجمل انتهت فعلا او على وشك
الانتهاء ولذلك فهى تعبير فى حكم المنتهى
1 - I have already cleaned the
2 - She has just come back home.
3 - We have almost eaten our
3 - تستخدم كلمة since ومعناها منذ وكان for ومعناها لمدة معينة من
الزمن فى جمل الزمن المضارع التام وتأتى بعد كلمة since تاريخ محدد من الزمن حواء
سنة أو شهر أو يوم أما بعد كلمة for تأتى وحدة زمنية بالعدد. عدد من السنين او عدد
مع الأيام أو حتى عدد من الساعات والدقائق . امثلة
My mother has worked in this
school since 2002.
اى ان امى تعمل فى هذه المدرسة منذ عام 2002 وحتى الأن

She has worked as a teacher of maths for fifteen years.
وعملت مدرسة حساب
لمدة خمسة عشر عاما وحتى الأن

Write what you would say in each of
the following situations
1. You invite your friend to your birthday
 I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
2. You accept your
friend's invitation to have a drink with him.
 I’d love to.
3. You are in
your brother's car. He is driving too fast.
 You shouldn’t drive too
4. You want your friend to help you with your homework.
 Could you
help me with my homework ,please?
5. Your friend thinks English is very
important .You agree.
 I agree with you.
6. You want your friend to lend
you some money.
 Would you mind lending me some money?
7. You visit your
friend Kamal, who is ill in hospital.
 I hope you get well soon.
8. You
meet an old friend you haven't seen for along time.
 How nice to see you. //
What a surprise !
9. You suggest going to the park.
 What about going to
the park?
10. Your friend has got bad marks.
 I’m sorry to hear this bad
 You should have studied hard.
11. Your sister says that English is
very difficult. You disagree.
 I disagree with you. // I don't think
12. Your are not sure that El zamalek will win the cup.
 Zamalek may
win the cup.
13. You invite your friend to have dinner with you and he
 I’m glad you will come.
14. Your friend invites you to go to the
theatre, but you are busy.
 I wish I could , but I’m busy.
15. Your
father bought you a computer.
 What a surprise! /Thank you very much,
Your friend has an exam .He doesn’t study for this

 قراءة الحوار كاملا من أول رأس السؤال
إلى آخره.

 السؤال الاستفهامى الذى بمعنى (هل)Yes/No question
 وهو
السؤال الذى يبدأ بفعل مساعد او ناقص وتكون الاجابة عليه بـ
Yes, No, Sure, Of
course, Certainly
am,is,are,was , were 1-v.to be
have,has, had 2-v.to
do, does, did 3-v.to do
will,would,shall, should, can, could, may,
might, 4-modal verbs
إذا بدأت الجملة المطلوب تكوين سؤال عليها بــــ Yes / No
او ما يحل محلهما وكانت تحتوى على فعل مساعد أو ناقص نستخدمه كما هو بتقديم الفعل
المساعد او الناقص على الفاعل أما إذا لم تحتو فنستخدم
 اذا كانت الجملة تحتوي
على مضارع ليس آخره s Do
 اذا كانت الجملة تحتوي على مضارع آخره s Does

اذا كانت الجملة تحتوي على ماض Did
 مع مراعاة أن يوضع الفعل في
----------------------------? [Can you work on the computer?] :
Yes, I can work on the computer. :
----------------------------? [Do you speak English?] :
Yes, I speak English well. :
----------------------------?[Did you visit Aswan before?] :
Yes, I visited Aswan before. :
----------------------------?[Does Riham study English ?] :
Yes, Riham studies English everyday. : Shrouk
2-السؤال المبدوء
بأداة استفهام Wh/question
* إذا لم تبدأ الجملة بــ Yes / No نكون سؤالا يبدأ
بكلمة استفهام و يكون ترتيب السؤال كما يلي:
?تكملة الجملة + فعل أساسي + فاعل +
فعل مساعد أو ناقص + أداة استفهام مناسبة
------------.----? [How long will
you stay in Egypt?] : 1-Eslam
I will stay in Egypt for two weeks. :
----------------------? [What places will you visit in Cairo? :
I will visit the Citadel and the Cairo Tower. :
----------------------------?[Where are you from? ] : 3-Noura
from Japan.
: Youmna

 You should study hard for the exam.
16. It’s
very hot and you want your friend to open the window.
 Could you open the
window , please?
17. You saw a wild dog at the foot of your house.
 Oh,
I’m afraid. / I’m afraid of dogs.
18. You apologize for coming late./You
broke your father’s glasses.
 I’m very sorry.
19. You ask about the price
of something.
 How much is it?
21-Your brother is playing music and it’s
late at night.
 You shouldn’t play music now. It’s too late.
friend won a prize./Your friend passed the final exam.

23-You ask your teacher about the meaning of a word.

What does this word mean?
24-You ask about the way to the museum.
 How
can I go to the museum, please?
25-Your friend advises you to go to the
 You are right. / I’ll see.
26-You want to borrow
your friend's camera.
 Can I borrow your camera?
27-Your friend wants to
use your mobile. You disagree./ Refuse
 Sorry I need it
28-Someone thanks you for helping her/him.
 Not at all./Don’t
mention it.
29-You've spilled juice on your friend's bag.
 I’m so
30-Your friend tells you he is sorry because he broke your
 Don’t worry/Never mind.
31-Your friend's uncle has died.

I’m sorry to hear this bad news.
32-You want your father to let you go to the
cinema with your friends.
 May I go to the cinema with my friends?
didn't do your homework and your teacher is angry.
 I’m very sorry. I won’t
do that again.
34-Your friend Samir introduces his English pen-friend to
 How do you do ?
35-You lost your way to the museum. You saw a
 How can I go to the museum?
36-It’s cold and your brother
says,” Do you mind if I close the window?
 Not at all.

Rewrite the
following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He was playing football
when he broke his leg. ( while)
 While he was playing football, he broke his
2. The telephone rang during their breakfast (While)
 The telephone
rang while they were having their breakfast
3. You should study your lessons
hard. (If)
 If I were you ,I’d study my lessons hard.
4. I read a story.
It was interesting. ( which )
 I read a story which was interesting.
I didn't meet Ali. I didn't meet his brother. ( neither—nor )
 I met neither
Ali nor his brother.
6. Salma tidied her room and changed the bulb . ( not
only )
 Salma not only tidied her room , but she also changed the
7. He was very tired . He had a long rest ( so---- that )
 He was
so tired that he had a long rest.
8. She studied hard in order to pass the
test. ( so that)
 She studied hard so that she could pass the test.
9. He
finished his work .Then , he went to bed. ( as soon as )
 As soon as he had
finished his work, he went to bed.
10. Salma did her homework on her own. (
herself )
 Salma did her homework by herself.
11. It is probable that he
will come tomorrow ( may )
 He may come tomorrow.
12. It was necessary
for me to take a taxi yesterday. ( had to )
 I had to take a taxi
13. Riham has more pens than Rana ( fewer )
 Rana has fewer
pens than Riham.

14. We don't like people who want too much of every
thing . ( greedy )
 We don't like greedy people.
15. This car belongs to
Ali. (Ali's)
 This car is Ali’s. /This is Ali’s car.
16. "When will you
travel to London?" (Ali asked Ahmed)
 Ali asked Ahmed when he would travel
to London.
17. Hazem shouted at his teacher. (shouldn’t)
 Hazem shouldn’t
have shouted at his teacher.
18. She said to her son " Don't play with
matches ". ( not to )
 She told her son not to play with matches.
19. The
mechanic is mending the car at the moment. (being)
 The car is being mended
at the moment.
20. The government will build a new school. ( be )
 A new
school will be built by the government.
21. I'm sure Ali travelled to
America. (must)
 Ali must have travelled to America.
22. I’m sure Aya
didn’t get married again. ( can’t )
 Aya can’t have got married
23. He played football when he was young. ( used to )
• He used to
play football when he was young.
24. Menna always gets up early. ( used to
• Menna is used to getting up early.
25. He couldn't catch the train
because he walked slowly ( If )
• If he had walked quickly, he could have
caught the train.
- Read and correct the underlined words:
1-Write a
paragraph of five sentences on "Sports"
Sports How often? Why
important Where you play it Who you play with
your favourite one twice a week
Keeps body fit and strong in club My friends
My favourite sport is
football. I play it twice a week. It is important because it keeps my body fit
and strong. I play it in the club. I play it with my friends.
2-Write a
paragraph of five sentences on "A school trip"
When Where How What you saw
When you went back
last week Cairo by bus the pyramids late at night

school trip
Last week I went on a school trip. We went to Cairo. We went by
bus. We saw the pyramids. We went back late last night.

3-Write a
paragraph of five sentences on "My pen friend"
Name age Nationality School
subjects interests
David 15 American Prep school &
Reading & volleyball

My pen friend
David is my pen friend. He is
15 years old. He is American. He goes to a prep school. His favourite subject is
English. He is interested in reading and volleyball.
4-Write a paragraph of
five sentences on "Egypt"

Language Capital Main crops Climate
Arabic Cairo Cotton/rice/Sugar cane Hot/cold North east
Egypt is located in the north east of Africa. The climate is
hot in summer and cold in winter. The main crops are cotton, rice and sugar cane
.Cairo is the capital of Egypt. The people of Egypt speak Arabic.

a paragraph of 5 sentences about “ My favourite hobby” using the guided
What’s your favouritre hobby/Where do you practise it?/Does it
cost you much money to practise it?/ Why do you like it?
My favourite
Painting is my favourite hobby.I practise it at home.It doesn’t cost me
much money to practise it. I like it because it’s an enjoyable

6-Write a paragraph of five sentences on : School library
school - a library - a big room - second floor / read - borrow -any book - for a
week / different kinds of books - tables - middle - reading /reading- increase
information .
School Library
Our school library is a big room in the
second floor . I always go to the library to read or to borrow books for a week
. In the library, there are different kinds of books and some tables in the
middle . Reading increases our information .
-Write a short e-mail to your
friend Reham about your summer holiday
Your name is Menna and your e-mail is
menna @yahoo.com
Your friend’s e-mail is reham ....... ممنوع
وضع ايميلات على العام....
Use the following points :
- Start the
e-mail and ask about your friend's health.
- Tell her that you have finished
your exams.
- Tell her where you will spend your summer holiday.
-Tell her
who you will go with and why you chose that place.
-Finish the e-mail.

From : menna @yahoo.com
To : reham 321@hotmail.com
Subject : My summer

Dear Dalia,
I’m very happy to write to you. How are you? I
have just finished my exams.I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Sharm El
Sheikh.I’ll go with my family. I chose Sharm El Sheikh because the weather is
nice there.
Good bye for now see you soon.

a letter of 5 sentences to your friend Omar about your visit to Luxor.You are
Karim and you live at 16 Horriya street , Maddi , Cairo
-Tell him when you
went/Tell him who you went with/Tell him how you went/Tell him what you
visit/Tell him how long you spent there/Tell him if you enjoyed your time
16 Horriya street
24th June,2009
I’m very happy to write this letter to you. How are you? Last week I
went to Luxor.I went there with my family. We went by train. We visited Karnak
Temple and the Valley of the Kings. We spent three days there. We enjoyed our
time there very much.
Good bye for now , see you
= What could Axel hear when came to himself?
 A
noise like thunder or waves crashing on the shore of a sea.
2- What words
could Axel hear when he came to himself?
 His name and the word
3-Why did Axel lose consciousness again?
 Because he went down
very fast and his head hit a sharp rock.
4-Why did the professor ask Axel to
call to him again ?
 To calculate the distance between them.
5-When did
the professor give a cry of joy ?
 When he found Axel still alive.
did they see on the shore of the Lidenbrock Sea ?
 Giant mushrooms and bones
of extinct animals.
7-How was the light in the huge cave different ?
 It
was cold , white and unlike sunlight and moonlight.
8-What name was given to
the island? By whom?
 Axel Island by professor Lidenbrock.
9-How did Hans
make the raft ? Why did he make it ?
 By cutting down some trees and tying
them together.
 Because the professor decided to cross and explore the
10- What happened when the ball of fire hit the raft?
 It burst,
every thing was covered in blue flames and Axel fainted.
11-How did the
explorers know that there was life in the Lidenbrok Sea?
 When Hans caught
the strange fish.
12-Why was the fish which Hans caught strange?
 It had
a flat head ,but no tail or eyes.
(The strangest thing was that it had no
13- What fantastic creatures did Axel expect to see during the
 He expected to see lizards, whales and extinct birds.
14- What
was the result of the fight between the two monsters?
 They attacked each
other for 2 or 3 hours until one of them was killed.
15-What was the geyser
?Where did it come from?
 It was a fountain of hot water. It came from the
Axel Island.
16-How did the explorers know that there was life on the other
shore of the Lidenbrok Sea?
 When they found the skull of a human.
Why did they run back to the raft?

  1. They
were afraid of the tall shepherd.
18-How did Axel
recognize the mammoths?
 Axel recognized them from pictures in his science
19-Describe the knife found by Axel.
 It was made of steel.

Its blade was rough.
20- Why was the blade of the knife rough?
 Because
Saknussemm used it to carve his name on a rock.
21- Where did they find the
letters A.S?
 They found them on a rock at the entrance to a dark
22-When did Axel’s fears and doubts about the journey disappear?

When he saw the letters A.S.
23-How did they blow up the huge rock?
 By
gunpowder .
24-How did they lose their food , water , tools and instruments
 After the explosion the waves swept them.
25-Why wasn’t Axel worried
about losing their food ?
 Because he thought that they would be killed
quite soon.
26-Why was the compass crazy? Why did the compass move in all
 Because they were in the middle of an active volcano.
Where were they when they returned to the surface of the earth?
 They were
on the island of Stromboli , south of Italy.
28-How did they know they were
back to the surface of the earth?
 When they could see the sky.
29- How
did the characters know that they were not in Iceland?
 Because the sun was
very hot and the ground was dry.
30-How did they know that they were in
 Because the boy who appeared spoke only Italian.
31-How were the
people of San Vicenzo kind to the three men ?
 They gave them food, drink
and new clothes.
32-Why did the people of San Vicenzo give them new
 Because their clothes became rags .
33- Why did the people in
Hamburg change their minds and believe the story?
 Because Hans was with
 There was news from Iceland about the journey.
34-How did the
people of Hamburg celebrate the three men ?
 They held a celebration and
made speeches in their honour.
35-What did Hans decide to do at the end ?What
was Hans’s last decision?
 To return to Iceland.
36-How did Axel and the
professor feel about Hans’s last decision? Why?
 They felt sad. Because they
loved Hans very much.
B)Complete the following
37-Although the monsters
were terrifying , ………..
 they didn’t attack them.
38- The giant umbrellas
were ………….
 a forest of mushroom .
39-The sea was named after professor
Lidenbrok , but the island..............
 was named after Axel.
40- The
three companions entered the Earth through the extinct volcano of Sneffels, but
 returned through the active volcano of Stromboli .
41- As soon as
the gunpowder exploded ……….
 a huge hole was opened and the sea became one
big wave .
42-The professor was excited when he looked at the compass
 he knew that the eruption of the volcano would be their only
chance to reach the surface of the earth.
43- The professor and Axel were sad
when …………..
 Hans decided to go home in Iceland.
44- The professor and
Axel loved Hans because…………
He was helpful, calm and sensible
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بنت الوادى

¤° عضوة نشطة °¤
بنت الوادى

عدد المساهمات : 628

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه    مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه  Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 30, 2010 3:27 pm

ما شاء الله دائماً متميزة

اللهم وفق أبنائنا واللهم يسر عليهم امتحاناتهم

مشكورة على التميز حبيبتى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
راجيه عفو الله

¤° إدارة المنتدى °¤
راجيه عفو الله

عدد المساهمات : 4163
العمر : 53
العمل/الترفيه : راجية رضا الله

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه    مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه  Emptyالجمعة ديسمبر 31, 2010 1:04 pm

جزاك الله كل خير
هذا من ذوقك وبنل اخلاقك

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للشهاده الاعداديه للغه الانجليزيه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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